Transforming an Insurance Platform with Blockchain Technology

Software projects delivered by QSoft Vietnam

Transforming an Insurance Platform with Blockchain Technology

About the Project

QSoft collaborated with a leading insurance company to transform its operations by implementing a blockchain-based solution for policy issuance, claims processing, and secure customer data storage. The client aimed to enhance operational efficiency, improve transparency, and reduce fraud by leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology. By integrating decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, QSoft provided a modern, transparent, and secure system that simplified processes while adhering to strict regulatory requirements.


  • Blockchain: Ethereum, ERC20 Tokens, NFTs, Smart Contracts
  • Backend: Node.js
  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Cloud Storage: AWS
  • Smart Contract Language: Solidity
  • Project duration

    Project duration: 12 months

    Team Size

    Team Size: 15

    Satisfaction Score

    Satisfaction Score: 96%

    The Screenshots

    Project challenges


    • Integration of Blockchain with Existing Systems: The insurance company’s legacy system had to be integrated with blockchain-based decentralized applications (dApps) to ensure seamless policy management and claims processing. This required bridging traditional insurance workflows with blockchain technology while maintaining operational continuity.
    • Regulatory Compliance and Data Privacy: While blockchain ensures transparency and immutability, the insurance industry is heavily regulated, especially concerning the storage and handling of sensitive customer data. Ensuring that the blockchain solution complied with regional and international regulations while maintaining privacy for policyholders was a significant challenge.
    • Automating Claims Processing: The client wanted to automate claims processing using smart contracts. However, automating this process while protecting private customer information and avoiding exposure of sensitive data on the blockchain required careful architectural planning.

    How QSoft solves problems


    • Ethereum Blockchain for Policy Issuance and Claims Management: QSoft selected the Ethereum blockchain for its robust smart contract functionality and secure, decentralized ledger system. The ERC20 token standard was used to tokenize insurance policies, enabling simplified transactions and ensuring auditable records of each policy. The introduction of NFTs to represent unique policies further ensured traceability and helped mitigate fraud.
    • Smart Contracts for Automated Claims Processing: Smart contracts were developed to automate the validation and settlement of insurance claims. By embedding business logic into these contracts, valid claims were processed instantly without the need for intermediaries, reducing the time and cost associated with manual claims verification. Additionally, privacy-preserving mechanisms were incorporated to protect sensitive customer data.
    • Collateralized Lending Pool: To add further value, QSoft implemented a collateralized lending pool feature, allowing policyholders to borrow funds against their tokenized insurance policies during emergencies. This innovative addition enhanced the flexibility and utility of the policies, providing customers with access to liquidity in critical situations.
    • Secure Integration with AWS: AWS was utilized for secure off-chain data storage and integration with the existing insurance platform. By combining the strengths of decentralized blockchain technology with the scalability and security of AWS, the system provided both robust data protection and ease of integration with legacy systems.

    Project successful result


    • 35% Reduction in Claims Processing Time: By automating claims using smart contracts, QSoft reduced the average claims processing time by 35%, enabling quicker payouts and improving customer experience.
    • 40% Improvement in Data Security: The decentralized nature of blockchain significantly enhanced data security, reducing risks associated with data breaches. The immutable ledger also ensured that data could not be tampered with, providing greater transparency and trust.
    • 20% Increase in Customer Satisfaction: The streamlined processes and increased transparency resulted in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction, as users benefited from faster claims processing, more control over their policies, and secure, trustworthy services.