Offshore Software Development Center

Software development center in Vietnam

We Build and Manage Your Software Team on Your Behalf

If managing a remote software development entity or outsourcing multiple projects to third parties feels overwhelming, consider an alternative model that offers more control while saving you time and cost. QSoft provides a professional approach to building and operating your remote software development division in Vietnam, acting as an extension of your team.

Why Choose QSoft as Your Build-Operate Partner

With nearly two decades of experience helping hundreds of clients worldwide successfully develop software applications, QSoft guarantees an exceptional experience in building and managing your overseas software development unit.

  • 19+ years of IT industry experience
  • CMMI Level 3 compliant operations
  • ISO 27001 certified for information security
  • Successfully built 800+ client teams
  • Expert candidate screening process
  • Extensive network of experts and partners
  • Comprehensive build and operate management
  • Flexible team ownership transfer options

    Planning for team setup


    Our first step with you is to define the responsibilities and capabilities of the remote software development center, both in the short and long term. We collaborate to develop a plan outlining objectives, timelines, costs, standards, processes, and expected outputs for building and operating the team.

    Get ready for software development


    We create a team setup plan detailing the structure and job descriptions. We ensure the working environment is fully equipped by setting up offices, machines, networks, software, tools, and other necessary facilities. Depending on your needs, the office can be shared, a co-working space, or a custom setup.

    Setup software team


    With the team structure and job descriptions in place, we begin our rigorous screening process. Candidates undergo technical tests and face-to-face interviews, with their skills, attitude, commitment, and interest assessed against the job requirements. You have the final say in candidate selection, and we handle onboarding.

    Train development team with needed knowledge


    We ensure that team members are trained in your company’s culture, working environment, standards, processes, and team objectives. We equip staff with the necessary project management, technical implementation, quality assurance, and security knowledge to meet the remote development center’s operational goals.

    QSoft manage teams and projects


    QSoft manages your team to work on multiple projects within the established environment. We handle daily operations to ensure the team’s performance aligns with the plan. Metrics and reports are provided to keep you informed about operational effectiveness.

    Team performance continuous improvement


    As the team becomes more comfortable with the environment and project styles, their performance improves. We regularly audit operations, identify areas for improvement, and refine processes and standards to ensure ongoing enhancement and sustained success.