A document oriented powerful NoSQL database facilitates development ease. Unlike traditional relational database, MongoDB presents constitutional transformation in persistence content strategy. Save energy and time on writing SQL as MongoDB supports JSON natively.
A web server framework of Node.js ,extremely flexible, lightweight, and minimal, allows to craft a beautiful web interface with the help of effective components.
An open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components for complex web applications.
Is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside the browser. It is a runtime environment used to create real-time network applications and server-side scripting.
Total conformity to Javascript throughout the development journey. there is no need to use libraries for converting data during a client-side and server-side interaction
All the MERN stack technologies are open source and available for free. It helps the development process using libraries and public repositories and reduces the development cost
Easily develop MERN-based app with code-reusability, library. MongoDB offers a flexible JSON document structure for all the data representation
The architecture of a web application built using MERN stack will be set up to support automated testing. As a result, developers will know instantly if a particular feature has broken, enable them to make any necessary corrections immediately.
Highly efficient and robust performance with 4 power-packed technologies
Only technologies based on JavaScript. This makes for an easy working environment for the developers where everything happens over one language
Node.js is speedy and ascendable because of its non-blocking architecture. Event-driven and scalable architecture gives the best performance
The development community has access to countless resources and libraries to innovate and build new functionalities and features.
A large number of additional extensions, libraries, and reusable modules available within the stack, contribute to an increased speed of development
Robust database layer with automatic sharing and full cluster support features. As a result, we can easily host your project on the cloud.
The noSql based MongoDB shows high affinity to the recurring Javascript based workflow.
MERN stack easily complies with MVVM architecture. It ensure the development team stays productive as they will not have to deal with the tedious task of dealing with a variety of programming languages.